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March 8th, 2023

by Joel Tatum

The 2023 Solar Farm Summit Promises a Brighter Future

One of the largest gatherings of its kind

The Solar Farm Summit 2023 is a highly anticipated event that will bring together hundreds of experts and practitioners in “agrivoltaics”; which aims to combine solar development, land conservation, and best agricultural practices to achieve the land’s highest multifunctional potential. American Farmland Trust is a proud sponsor of the event and supporter of solar initiatives in the Midwest and across the country.

The Solar Farm Summit will be conveniently located at the Hilton Rosemont/Chicago O’Hare hotel, from March 13-15, and will kick off with a poster gallery and pre-summit networking Monday evening. Over the course of the following two days (14th & 15th), attendees will participate in a packed program that covers everything from the basics of land-based solar projects to the state of the art “agrivoltaics” science, practice, and policy. Also, the opportunity to learn from 70+ of the world’s foremost minds in the fields of solar energy and land use.

The adoption and growth of solar alternative to a significant land use is essential to understand the potential full beneficial impacts on soils, surface water, groundwater, and habitat function. Early studies and pilot projects across the planet are opening the door to the potential for higher and better sun farming towards dual-use agricultural production, double-cropping, or solar simul-cropping; the science of “agrivoltaics.” At American Farmland Trust we appreciate the holistic consideration “agrivoltaics” takes when planning the future of Solar in North America.

The Solar Farm Summit 2023 will also showcase 30+ organizations committed to putting the farming back into “solar farming” including American Farmland Trust. Attendees will have the chance to participate in town halls, Q&A sessions, and technical assistance. In addition, they will enjoy an immersive networking experience capped with happy hour beverages and hor d’oeuvres.

The Solar Farm Summit 2023 promises to be an exceptional event that will mark a significant milestone in the history of solar energy and land use. Attendees will learn from the industry’s foremost experts, participate in immersive networking experiences, and have the opportunity to shape the future of solar development. If you are interested in the future of solar energy and land use, this is an event you cannot miss.