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New York Policy

Advocating to protect farmland, keep farmers on the land, and help farmers adopt sound farming practices

American Farmland Trust has deep roots and longstanding experience advocating for policies that support our farmers and protect our farmland.

In New York state, we work with everyday New Yorkers, partner organizations, and champions in government to advance polices that permanently protect farmland, bring a diverse new generation of farmers onto the land, connect kids with healthy New York grown food through farm to school programs, and enable farmers to adopt practices that combat climate change. 

American Farmland Trust plays a unique role in Albany, conducting and synthesizing the latest research and bringing people and organizations together to advocate for and enact policies that ensure a strong future for farming in New York state. 

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Protecting Farmland and Keeping Farmers on the Land

AFT leads the 'Alliance for New York’s Farmland,' a coalition of farmers, land trusts, agricultural and environmental organizations, and other service providers advocating for public funding and policies to protect farmland and facilitate access to land for diverse new generation of farmers.

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Ensuring New York Farms are Part of the Climate Solution

Farmers are on the front lines of climate change – both in bearing the brunt of its damage from extreme weather and in being a key potential part of the solution. AFT organizes agricultural and environmental stakeholders and works with state and local governments to develop and implement policies that support farm viability while helping farmers reach their full potential to mitigate climate change.

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Supporting Farm to School Efforts in New York

AFT leads the New York Grown Food for New York Kids coalition comprised of nearly 70 organizations and stakeholders who support increasing access to fresh, healthy, local food for students in K-12 schools.

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