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Erinn Roberts

Implementation Specialist

Erinn joined AFT in November 2023. As an Implementation Specialist, Erinn supports farmers in Massachusetts to implement conservation practices and navigate NRCS programs. Despite growing up in the Garden State, it was picking green beans on an urban farm in Philadelphia 25 years ago that exposed Erinn to the idea of farming as a career. After graduating with a BA in Comparative Religion, she and her husband relocated to California, and then Oregon, farming in the gorgeous foothills of the Sierra Nevada and the banks of the Sandy River and Johnson Creek. They ultimately settled in eastern MA working on and managing a non-profit vegetable farm, serving a 400-member CSA and running innovative food access programming. Team-building, mentoring beginning farmers, and researching and implementing improved soil practices were some of the more gratifying aspects of her farming career. Erinn is energized by the widening recognition of the need to address barriers to access and success in agriculture and sees part of her role as Implementation Specialist as a bridge builder between federal support and small farmers. Erinn is a runner, a reader and a sun-lover, and her favorite time is spent on any beach with her husband and daughter.