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Holly Stein

Training and Education Manager, Farms for a New Generation

Holly Stein (she/her) recently started at AFT as the Farm for a New Generation Training and Education Manager. She works to create training programs that address the need to transition a more diverse generation of farmers and ranchers onto farmland. Previously, Holly worked at Groundswell Center for Local Food and Farming in Ithaca, NY. She co-managed, developed and worked with a multi-cultural advisory committee of farmers and community members to design a Farmer Training Program with a USDA Beginner Farmer Rancher Development Program grant. She saw the challenges and opportunities that exist in training aspiring adult farmers from diverse backgrounds. Holly became interested in farming while living in New York City working as a Youth Development Coordinator at Project Morry. In 2011, she moved onto a small family farm in Southern Massachusetts, where her love of growing food flourished and her journey in the food system began. After receiving a certificate in Ecological Horticulture at the Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems (CASFS) in Santa Cruz, CA, she worked at Freedom Food Farm in Johnston, RI as a farm worker learning the ins and outs of an organic vegetable farm. Shifting back into an educator role at Fresh Start Farm, in Lisbon, ME, she taught land management practices and had the privilege of continuing to learn from farmers that were elders and refugees from Somalia, Sudan and Mexico. Holly enjoys spending time in the woods with her dog, swimming, growing food, herbs and saving seeds. She recently marched 50 miles with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers in South Florida for farmworker rights.