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Jacob Gilley

Mid-Atlantic Sustainable Grazing Manager

Jacob coordinates AFT’s Sustainable Grazing Project, working with producers in central Virginia to increase awareness of holistic practices focused on improving soil and water quality, the positive impacts of responsible grazing on carbon sequestration and producer profitability. Before joining AFT, Jacob was a field technician at a local agricultural supply co-op where he helped livestock and crop producers with soil and forage sampling, nutritional and agronomic recommendations, and sourcing farm inputs. Through college, he was an airplane engine mechanic with the 130th West Virginia Air National Guard and was a Farm Link intern at the Virginia Department of Agriculture. Jacob serves on a number of local agriculture boards including: Virginia Farm Bureau Young Farmers State Committee, Virginia Forage and Grassland Council Board, Virginia Cattlemen’s Policy and Industry Advocacy Board, Virginia Tech College of Agriculture Alumni Board, and the Orange County Farm Bureau Board. Jacob grew up on a small farm and currently raises cattle on a larger scale, implementing several Best Management Practices to include stream exclusion, a winter feeding facility, hardened stream crossings and a grazing management plan. Jacob earned a Bachelor of Science in Animal and Poultry Sciences from Virginia Tech and a Master of Science in Career and Technical Education with an emphasis in agricultural education from Virginia Tech. He is Nutrient Management, Professional Animal Scientist (beef and dairy), and Beef Quality Assurance certified.