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Jennifer Dempsey

Director of Farmland Information Center and Senior Advisor

Jennifer manages the FIC, a clearinghouse of resources used by AFT staff, agricultural landowners and farmers, concerned citizens, farmland protection professionals, planners, policymakers, academics, and the media. As part of this work, she oversees the FIC’s nationwide surveys, including annual surveys of farmland protection programs, transfer of development rights programs, and a survey of land trusts that protect land for agriculture. Jennifer has written or supervised the development of FIC resources. She co-wrote AFT’s “Farms Under Threat” report, “Cultivating the Next Generation: Resources and Policies to Help Beginning Farmers Succeed in Agriculture,” and a land access curriculum on gaining access to land for beginning farmers. She is also currently managing the state policy scorecard for AFT’s “Farms Under Threat” project. Jennifer served on the board of a local land trust and two terms on a local conservation commission. She currently serves on the USDA NASS Advisory Committee on Agriculture Statistics. Jennifer completed her undergraduate work at Mount Holyoke College and earned a Master of Science in resource management and administration form Antioch New England Graduate School.