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Jimmy Daukas

Senior Program Officer and Senior Advisor

Jimmy directs AFT’s efforts to help farmers, ranchers, and landowners reduce greenhouse gas emissions, sequester carbon, expand renewable energy, and adapt to a changing climate. He has managed and supervised numerous projects across the country developing new policy solutions, creating ecosystem service markets, and field-testing innovations, including major projects in the Upper Salt Fork Watershed in Illinois and the Ohio River Basin. During his over 20 years with AFT, Jimmy has played a key role in national policy campaigns and served as a senior manager in programming, communications, and development capacities. He is a member of the Coalition on Agriculture Greenhouse Gases steering committee. Jimmy earned a Bachelor of Arts in economics from Middlebury College and a Master of Business Administration and Master of Public Management degrees from the University of Maryland. 

Jimmy (he/him) advises on AFT’s Smart Solar Initiative to expand solar energy while supporting agriculture and protecting our most productive farmland. He also supports efforts to help farmers, ranchers, and landowners reduce greenhouse gas emissions, sequester carbon, and expand renewable energy. He has developed and managed numerous projects across the country developing new policy solutions, creating ecosystem service markets, and field-testing innovations, including the New England Smart Solar Siting Partnership Project, AFT’s support of US Climate Alliance states, and the Ohio River Basin Water Quality Trading Project. During his over 20 years with AFT, Jimmy has played key senior roles in national agriculture and climate policy campaigns and served as an executive in programming, communications, and development. Jimmy earned a Bachelor of Arts in economics from Middlebury College and a Master of Business Administration and Master of Public Management degrees from the University of Maryland.