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Make an Impact

Help Save the Land that Sustains Us

Every day 2,000 acres of agricultural land are paved over, fragmented, or converted to uses that jeopardize farming.*

Your support allows American Farmland Trust to protect vulnerable farmland and ranchland, promote environmentally sound farming practices, and keep farmers on the land. Reaffirm your commitment to saving the land that sustains us by donating today.

After all, No Farms No Food.

Prefer to mail your gift? Gifts can be mailed to:

National Office
2000 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Suite 5005
Washington, D.C. 20006 

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, all gifts made to AFT are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed. *Based on the daily average from 2001-2016.

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