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From whitewater rivers to the Chesapeake Bay, our nation’s birthplace is home to some of the most diverse, yet threatened, farms in the country.

Mid-Atlantic farmers grow a diverse variety of fruits and vegetables, grains, poultry, dairy, and forest products, as well as the legendary bounty from the waters of the Chesapeake Bay. Yet, these valuable farms are in the path of some of the fastest-growing metropolitan areas in the country.

The region experiences some of the greatest farmland loss in the country – yet also has some of the oldest, most active farmland protection programs.

American Farmland Trust has strong roots in the region. Working with communities, farmers, and elected officials, we've been fighting for this precious farmland and the people who farm it since 1980.

Mid-Atlantic Advanced Soil Health Training

As part of our work to scale up the adoption of climate-smart approaches in row crop systems, American Farmland Trust is excited to launch our 2024/2025 Advanced Soil Health Training (ASHT), a program funded by the USDA through the Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities (PCSC) program. In partnership with Truterra, AFT will sponsor and train soil health advisors who can share their expertise with their communities. This program is designed to deepen the soil health knowledge of experienced farmers and farm advisors and give them the tools to bring this knowledge to a wider audience! We are seeking applicants who have some experience implementing soil health practices, are ready to deepen their own knowledge and impact in mentoring, and are excited to partner with us to enroll and facilitate transitions on farms you work with (including your own if you farm).

Dates for the Mid-Atlantic trainings are as follows:

  • February 3-4, Harrisonburg, VA

  • March 5-6, Central MD

  • July 23-24, Lancaster, PA

  • December 3-4, Eastern Shore MD

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